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Pravega Security Configurations

This document describes the security configuration parameters of Pravega, in both distributed and standalone modes.

Security Configuration Parameters in Distributed Mode

In the distributed mode, Controllers and Segment Stores are configured via separate sets of parameters.

These parameters may be specified via configuration files or Java system properties. Alternatively, you may use environment variables to configure them.

The following sub-sections describe their Transport Layer Security (TLS) and auth (short for authentication and authorization) parameters.


Parameter (Corresponding Environment Variable) Details Default Value Feature
controller.auth.tlsEnabled (TLS_ENABLED) Whether to enable TLS for client-server communication. False TLS
controller.auth.segmentStoreTlsEnabled (TLS_ENABLED_FOR_SEGMENT_STORE) Whether to enable TLS for communications with Segment Store, even if TLS is disabled for the Controller. This is only useful in cases where the Controller has TLS disabled, but the Segment Store has it enabled. False TLS
controller.auth.tlsCertFile (TLS_CERT_FILE) Path of the X.509 PEM-encoded server certificate file for the service. Empty TLS
controller.auth.tlsKeyFile (TLS_KEY_FILE) Path of the PEM-encoded private key file for the service. Empty TLS
controller.auth.tlsTrustStore (TLS_TRUST_STORE) Path of the PEM-encoded truststore file for TLS connections with Segment Stores. Empty TLS (REST_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH) Path of the keystore file in .jks for the REST interface. Empty TLS (REST_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH) Path of the file containing the keystore password for the REST interface. Empty TLS
controller.zk.secureConnection (SECURE_ZK) Whether to enable TLS for communication with Apache Zookeeper False TLS
controller.zk.tlsTrustStoreFile (ZK_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_PATH) Path of the truststore file in .jks format for TLS connections with Apache Zookeeer. Empty TLS
controller.zk.tlsTrustStorePasswordFile (ZK_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH) Path of the file containing the password of the truststore used for TLS connections with Apache Zookeeper. Empty TLS
controller.auth.enabled (AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED) Whether to enable authentication and authorization for clients. False Auth
controller.auth.userPasswordFile (USER_PASSWORD_FILE) Path of the file containing user credentials and ACLs, for the PasswordAuthHandler. Empty Auth
controller.auth.tokenSigningKey (TOKEN_SIGNING_KEY) Key used to sign the delegation tokens for Segment Stores. Empty Auth

Segment Store

Parameter (Corresponding Environment Variable Description Default Value Feature
pravegaservice.enableTls (ENABLE_TLS) Whether to enable TLS for client-server communications. False TLS
pravegaservice.enableTlsReload (ENABLE_TLS_RELOAD) Whether to automatically reload SSL/TLS context if the server certificate is updated. False TLS
pravegaservice.certFile (CERT_FILE) Path of the X.509 PEM-encoded server certificate file for the service. Empty TLS
pravegaservice.keyFile (KEY_FILE) Path of the PEM-encoded private key file for the service. Empty TLS
pravegaservice.secureZK (SECURE_ZK) Whether to enable TLS for communication with Apache Zookeeper. False TLS
pravegaservice.zkTrustStore (ZK_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION) Path of the truststore file in .jks format for TLS connections with Apache Zookeeer. Empty TLS
pravegaservice.zkTrustStorePasswordPath (ZK_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD_PATH) Path of the file containing the password of the truststore used for TLS connections with Apache Zookeeper. Empty TLS
autoScale.tlsEnabled (TLS_ENABLED) Whether to enable TLS for internal communication with the Controllers. False TLS
autoScale.tlsCertFile (TLS_CERT_FILE) Path of the PEM-encoded X.509 certificate file used for TLS connections with the Controllers. Empty TLS
autoScale.validateHostName (VALIDATE_HOSTNAME) Whether to enable hostname verification for TLS connections with the Controllers. True TLS
autoScale.authEnabled (AUTH_ENABLED) Whether to enable authentication and authorization for internal communications with the Controllers. False Auth
autoScale.tokenSigningKey (TOKEN_SIGNING_KEY) The key used for signing the delegation tokens. Empty Auth
bookkeeper.tlsEnabled (BK_TLS_ENABLED) Whether to enable TLS for communication with Apache Bookkeeper. False TLS
bookkeeper.tlsTrustStorePath (TLS_TRUST_STORE_PATH) Path of the truststore file in .jks format for TLS connections with Apache Bookkeeper. Empty TLS
pravega.client.auth.loadDynamic (pravega_client_auth_loadDynamic) Whether to load a credentials object dynamically from a class available in Classpath. false Auth
pravega.client.auth.token (pravega_client_auth_method) The token to use by the Auto Scale Processor when communicating with Controller. Empty Auth
pravega.client.auth.method (pravega_client_auth_token) The auth method to use by the Auto Scale Processor when communicating with Controller. Empty Auth

Security Configurations in Standalone Mode

For ease of use, Pravega standalone mode abstracts away some of the configuration parameters of distributed mode. As a result, it has fewer security configuration parameters to configure.

Parameter Details Default Value Feature
singlenode.enableTls Whether to enable TLS for client-server communications. False TLS
singlenode.certFile Path of the X.509 PEM-encoded server certificate file for the server. Empty TLS
singlenode.keyFile Path of the PEM-encoded private key file for the service. Empty TLS
singlenode.keyStoreJKS Path of the keystore file in .jks for the REST interface. Empty TLS
singlenode.keyStoreJKSPasswordFile Path of the file containing the keystore password for the REST interface. Empty TLS
singlenode.trustStoreJKS Path of the truststore file for internal TLS connections. Empty TLS
singlenode.enableAuth Whether to enable authentication and authorization for clients. False Auth
singlenode.passwdFile Path of the file containing user credentials and ACLs, for the PasswordAuthHandler. Empty Auth
singlenode.userName The default username used for internal communication between Segment Store and Controller. Empty Auth
singlenode.passwd The default password used for internal communication between Segment Store and Controller. Empty Auth
singlenode.segmentstoreEnableTlsReload Whether to automatically reload SSL/TLS context if the server certificate is updated. False TLS