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Table Segment Recovery


One of the issues recently seen in Pravega was some kind of data corruption happening on Attribute Index Segment. The issue manifested with the below error message popping up in logs:-

ERROR i.p.s.s.h.h.PravegaRequestProcessor - [requestId=2205414166888448] Error (Segment = '_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0', Operation = 'updateTableEntries')
io.pravega.segmentstore.server.DataCorruptionException: BTreeIndex operation failed. Index corrupted.
Caused by: io.pravega.common.util.IllegalDataFormatException: [AttributeIndex[3-423]] Wrong footer information. RootPage Offset (3842188288) + Length (142858) exceeds Footer Offset (15007837).
The original issue filed can be found here

The Attribute Index Segment is basically a BTree Index of the data (key/value pair) that goes in its associated main Table Segment. It is internally a B+Tree (existing on Pravega Segment), and is organized as as set of Pages written to storage (see this blog post here). Each Page can be an index Page or leaf Page (holding data entries) having tree nodes. Each write of Pages to Storage ends with a footer, which is a pointer to the latest location of the root node in the tree. The above error indicates that the footer for the last write of Pages to Storage has been corrupted, as it contains inconsistent information. The issue having happened so, indicates some kind of corruption in the underlying Attribute Index Segment.

Repair Procedure

The repair procedure aims at recovering Pravega from such a situation. Here is what the recovery procedure aims to do. Recall that the corruption that we see occurs at the Attribute Index Segment level, which is just an index built by Pravega in the background of the data that exists in the associated primary Table Segment. This index helps associate "keys" with "offsets" in the primary Table Segment where "values" actually reside. The main assumption of this recovery procedure is this primary Table Segment is perfectly fine and the corruption happens only at the index level.

In a nutshell, the recovery procedure of a Table Segment Attribute Index involves re-reading the key/value pairs in the primary Table Segment and feeding them to a local in-process Pravega cluster. Doing so would result in an Table Segment Attribute Index generated in the storage directory of that local in-process Pravega cluster. To do so, we need to collect, for the corrupted Table Segment Attribute Index, all the primary chunks from the Pravega cluster to repair. Then, we use the Admin CLI dataRecovery tableSegment-recovery command (see #6753) to re-create locally the new Table Segment Attribute Index. Finally, we need to replace the newly generated Table Segment Attribute Index by the corrupted one in the Pravega cluster to repair.

In the next section, we look at the detailed set of steps about carrying out the procedure. Also please note that the below described procedure assumes the use of "File System" as Tier-2 storage. Other storage interfaces used in place of "File System" as Tier-2 storage, would only differ in the way we would access the resources (like objects in case of Dell EMC ECS) and not the actual steps.

Detailed Steps

1) From the error, first determine the Table Segment name:-

  Caused by: io.pravega.common.util.IllegalDataFormatException: [AttributeIndex[3-423]] Wrong footer information. RootPage Offset (3842188288) + Length (142858) exceeds Footer Offset (15007837).
Here AttributeIndex[3-423] indicates Container 3 and Segment id 423.

Find out from the logs what is the name of the Table Segment with id 423. To do so one can grep "MapStreamSegment" and pick the one, for the Table Segment id in question.
One can expect to see log line like below on running a search:
     INFO i.p.s.s.c.StreamSegmentContainerMetadata - SegmentContainer[3]: MapStreamSegment SegmentId = 423, Name = '_system/_RGcommitStreamReaders/0.#epoch.0', Active = 14

2) Go to the Tier-2 directory having the Segment chunks. Usually the root of this directory is /mnt/tier-2. And many Table Segment Chunks can be found under /mnt/tier2/_system/_tables.

3) Copy over the main Table Segment Chunks to a directory of your choice as described below:

Here is an example of a listing of the said directory.

-drwxrwxr-x 12 root root    4096 Jun  2 11:45  ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      77 Jun  2 11:46  scopes.E-1-O-0.0708cef5-1dd4-4b60-9a95-3db4319f1024
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     124 Jun  2 11:46 'scopes$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.2cb32bde-bd7e-4419-b6e8-9ddfe2519bfe'
drwxrwxr-x  4 root root    4096 Jun  2 11:46  test
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      18 Jun  2 11:46  completedTransactionsBatches.E-1-O-0.8ee9c66c-dc15-4f7a-bac8-beeeff916233
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      50 Jun  2 11:46 'completedTransactionsBatches$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.08af4870-c96b-4d66-a08e-c8cbed51d26f'
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  331331 Jun  2 14:02  completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-1-O-0.b29fcb2f-e71f-4971-bc43-5c0a801c35e7
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  986804 Jun  3 01:49  completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-2-O-331331.71afe323-ae99-4f3d-a1f0-af4db475fef9
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  128767 Jun  3 04:41 'completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-5-O-101208573.10e6a6e8-8665-4e57-bfe4-085eee5cf46b'
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  128767 Jun  3 04:41 'completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-5-O-101337340.a2e5cf79-914e-4a01-9c35-b390a6f61f4a'
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  128767 Jun  3 04:41 'completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-5-O-102496243.b032e528-589b-421b-8977-178d72128dcf'
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 2241876 Jun  3 04:41  completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-5-O-1318135.8c0d3e40-bea7-4fbe-96ca-ac76c80283ad

Lets say the affected Table Segment name that you find out from step 1 is "completedTransactionsBatch-0".
To find out which chunks of this main Table Segment are to be copied, one can run the below commands to determine the active chunks:-

     1) Set the Serializer to `slts`:
        table-segment set-serializer slts      

     2) Run the `table-segment get` command:
        table-segment get _system/containers/storage_metadata_<container_id> <table segment name> <IP of SegmentStore owning the container>

        > table-segment get _system/containers/storage_metadata_3 _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0
        For the given key: _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0
        SLTS metadata info:
        key = _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0;
        version = 1654145042472;
        metadataType = SegmentMetadata;
        name = _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0;
        length = 1342135;
        chunkCount = 2;
        startOffset = 341331;
        status = 1;
        maxRollingLength = 16777216;
        firstChunk = _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-2-O-331331.71afe323-ae99-4f3d-a1f0-af4db475fef9;
        lastChunk = _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-5-O-1318135.8c0d3e40-bea7-4fbe-96ca-ac76c80283ad;
        lastModified = 0;
        firstChunkStartOffset = 331331;
        lastChunkStartOffset = 1318135;
        ownerEpoch = 1;

One can see from the output above, that this main Table Segment has two chunks (chunkCount = 2). One can know what is the starting chunk from firstChunk and the ending chunk from lastChunk. Any chunks that fall in between can be determined from the epoch numbers (for example the epoch in _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-2-O-331331.71afe323-ae99-4f3d-a1f0-af4db475fef9 is the digit after the letter E which is 2) and the start offset numbers (for example in _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-2-O-331331.71afe323-ae99-4f3d-a1f0-af4db475fef9 the start offset is 331331). These numbers would be in the range of the firstChunk and lastChunk. In this specific case the _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-2-O-331331.71afe323-ae99-4f3d-a1f0-af4db475fef9 and _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-5-O-1318135.8c0d3e40-bea7-4fbe-96ca-ac76c80283ad are the two chunks that form the main Table Segment and those are the two chunks we would be copying over to a directory of our choice.

4) Start the Pravega Admin CLI (assuming its configured correctly to run, as appears in the docs) and enter the below command.

  data-recovery tableSegment-recovery <directory_where_you_copied to in step 3> <Table Segment name> <directory where you want to copy the output chunks to>

    data-recovery tableSegment-recovery /copied/chunk/directory completedTransactionsBatch-0 /output/chunk/directory


If we are dealing with Metadata Table Segments, we can skip the steps that follow and directly continue with steps outlined in [here]( 
Metadata Table Segments in Pravega either begin with metadata_<containerId> or storage_metadata_<containerId>.

5) Copy the generated Table Segment Attribute Index chunks back to the Tier-2 directory we identified in step 2. Here is how a listing of the output directory would look like after running the above recovery command:

     total 20
       drwxr-xr-x 41 root root 4096 Jun 12 07:17  ..
       drwxrwxr-x 12 root root 4096 Jun 12 07:28  _system 
       -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1638 Jun 12 07:28  completedTransactionsBatch-0.E-1-O-0.d6b78ba6-6876-4f7d-80cd-0a3082883120
       drwxrwxr-x  3 root root 4096 Jun 12 07:28  .
       -rw-r--r--  1 root root  458 Jun 12 07:28 'completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.7a9a16d4-cab6-4e5d-9173-d441d9656149'

6) Perform the following edits, to reflect the chunk listed in step 5 above:

a)  Set the Serializer before executing any `table-segment` commands. For edits to be performed, we would be setting the Serializer to `slts` since we are dealing with `slts` metadata here. The command would look like below:

          table-segment set-serializer slts

b)  Copy the Attribute Index chunk listed in step 5 to the configured Tier-2 directory path which had the original corrupted chunk (`/mnt/tier-2/_system/_tables` based on example above).
    i.e the chunk file to be copied would be:

            -rw-r--r--  1 root root  458 Jun 12 07:28 'completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.7a9a16d4-cab6-4e5d-9173-d441d9656149'

c)  Remove the older set of chunks. That is from the above "ls" listed files in step 3, one would remove:

         -rw-r--r--  1 root root  128767 Jun  3 04:41 'completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-5-O-101208573.10e6a6e8-8665-4e57-bfe4-085eee5cf46b'
         -rw-r--r--  1 root root  128767 Jun  3 04:41 'completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-5-O-101337340.a2e5cf79-914e-4a01-9c35-b390a6f61f4a'
         -rw-r--r--  1 root root  19876  Jun  3 04:41 'completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-5-O-102496243.b032e528-589b-421b-8977-178d72128dcf'

d) Perform a get on the Attribute Index Segment in the CLI:

           table-segment get _system/containers/storage_metadata_<owning Container ID here> <segmentName>$attributes.index <SS_Pod_IP_OWNING_THE_CONTAINER>
             table-segment get _system/containers/storage_metadata_3 _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index

e) Lets say one gets the below details by performing "get" above.

      > table-segment get _system/containers/storage_metadata_3 _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index
    For the given key: _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index
    SLTS metadata info: 
    key = _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index;
    version = 1654241463251;
    metadataType = SegmentMetadata;
    name = _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index;
    length = 13488706;
    chunkCount = 3;
    startOffset = 13135328;
    status = 1;
    maxRollingLength = 128767;
    firstChunk = _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-5-O-13131945.29bd2254-2e77-4338-a41a-f9c2af07b913;
    lastChunk = _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-5-O-13389479.5779f8d5-89ad-4bc6-87fe-3f99480a7271;
    lastModified = 0;
    firstChunkStartOffset = 13131945;
    lastChunkStartOffset = 13389479;
    ownerEpoch = 5;

    One would edit the following fields to update the metadata to reflect the chunk properties we have in step 6b).

            - Increment the version.
            - Update the length to reflect the cumulative length of chunk(s). In our example since there is just one Attribute chunk as seen in listing of step 5 we would update it length which is 458 (bytes).
            - Update the chunk count. in the case above it is 1, since there is just one chunk generated by the command in step 4.
            - Update the startOffset to 0.
            - Update the firstChunk to the one generated in step 4, which is `completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.7a9a16d4-cab6-4e5d-9173-d441d9656149`
            - Update the lastChunk to the same as firstChunk there is only one chunk. 
            - Update the firstChunkStartOffset to 0. Derived from "E-1-[O]-0" part in file name.
            - Update the lastChunkStartOffset to 0. (first and last chunks are same.)

    This is how the resulting put command would look like:

    table-segment put _system/containers/storage_metadata_3 _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index key=_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index;version=1654241463251;metadataType=SegmentMetadata;name=_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index;length=458;chunkCount=1;startOffset=0;status=1;maxRollingLength=128767;firstChunk=_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.7a9a16d4-cab6-4e5d-9173-d441d9656149;lastChunk=_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.7a9a16d4-cab6-4e5d-9173-d441d9656149;lastModified=0;firstChunkStartOffset=0;lastChunkStartOffset=0;ownerEpoch=1

 f) We have updated the Attribute Index Segment metadata with the chunk files and their other attributes. Next step is to create the Chunk Metadata itself.
    Perform a put for the Attribute Index chunk we have in 6a.
    This is how the put/create command would look:

            table-segment put <qualified-table-segment-name> <segmentstore-endpoint> <key> <value>      

            table-segment put _system/containers/storage_metadata_3 _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.7a9a16d4-cab6-4e5d-9173-d441d9656149 key=_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.7a9a16d4-cab6-4e5d-9173-d441d9656149;version=1654199182158;metadataType=ChunkMetadata;name=_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-0$attributes.index.E-1-O-0.7a9a16d4-cab6-4e5d-9173-d441d9656149;length=13003178;nextChunk=null;status=1

            One would enter the following fields to create the metadata:

               --key = chunk file name
               --version = a random long number can be put in
               --name = chunk file name
               --length = length of the chunk file
               --nextChunk = null (as there is only one chunk)

            Note: In case of multiple chunks, one would have to create a "put"  for each chunk after identifying the sequence of chunks based on the offsets in their name.

7) Restart Segment Store. Upon restarting one should not see a "DataCorruptionException" in the Segment Store logs. One can even perform a Table Segment get-info command and check if the number of keys increase to see if the writes after the repair are going through.