Running on AWS

Pre-reqs: Have an AWS account and have Terraform installed. To install and download Terraform, follow the instructions here:

Deploy Steps

  • Run "sudo terraform apply" under the deployment/aws directory, and then follow prompt instruction, enter the AWS account credentials.

There are four variables would be needed:

  1. AWS access key and AWS secret key, which can be obtained from AWS account
  2. cred_path, which is the absolute path of key pair file. It would be downloaded when key pair is created
  3. AWS region: Currently, we only support two regions: us-east-1 and us-west-1. We list below the instance types we recommend for them.
  4. Region us-east-1:
    • Three m3.xlarge for EMR
    • Three m3.2xlarge for Pravega
    • One m3.medium for bootstrap, also as client
  5. Region us-west-1:
    • Three m3.xlarge for EMR
    • Three i3.4xlarge for Pravega
    • One i3.xlarge for bootstrap, also as client

Other instance types might present conflicts with the Linux Images used.

How to customize the pravega cluster

  • Change default value of "pravega_num" in
  • Define the your own nodes layout in installer/hosts-template, default hosts-template is under installer directory.

There are three sections of hosts-template: 1. common-services is the section for zookeeper and bookkeeper 2. pravega-controller is the section for pravega controller node 3. pravega-hosts is the section for the pravega segment store node.

How to destroy the pravega cluster

Run "sudo terraform destroy", then enter "yes"