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Pravega Flink Connectors Build Status

This repository implements connectors to read and write Pravega Streams with Apache Flink stream processing framework.

The connectors can be used to build end-to-end stream processing pipelines (see Samples) that use Pravega as the stream storage and message bus, and Apache Flink for computation over the streams.

Features & Highlights

  • Exactly-once processing guarantees for both Reader and Writer, supporting end-to-end exactly-once processing pipelines

  • Seamless integration with Flink's checkpoints and savepoints.

  • Parallel Readers and Writers supporting high throughput and low latency processing.

  • Table API support to access Pravega Streams for both Batch and Streaming use case.

Building Connectors

Building the connectors from the source is only necessary when we want to use or contribute to the latest (unreleased) version of the Pravega Flink connectors.

The connector project is linked to a specific version of Pravega, based on a git submodule pointing to a commit-id. By default the sub-module option is disabled and the build step will make use of the Pravega version defined in the file. You could override this option by enabling usePravegaVersionSubModule flag in to true.

Checkout the source code repository by following below steps:

git clone --recursive

After cloning the repository, the project can be built by running the below command in the project root directory flink-connectors.

./gradlew clean build

To install the artifacts in the local maven repository cache ~/.m2/repository, run the following command:

./gradlew clean install

Customizing the Build

We can check and change the Flink version that Pravega builds against via the flinkVersion variable in the file.

Note: Only Flink versions that are compatible with the latest connector code can be chosen.

Building against another Scala version

This section is only relevant if you use Scala in the stream processing application with Flink and Pravega.

Parts of the Apache Flink use the language or depend on libraries written in Scala. Because Scala is not strictly compatible across versions, there exist different versions of Flink compiled for different Scala versions. If we use Scala code in the same application where we use the Apache Flink or the Flink connectors, we typically have to make sure we use a version of Flink that uses the same Scala version as our application.

Each version of Flink has a preferred Scala version as determined by the official Flink docker image. We use the preferred version by default. To depend on released Flink artifacts for a different Scala version, you need to edit the build.gradle file and change all entries for the Flink dependencies to have a different Scala version suffix. For example, flink-streaming-java_2.11 would be replaced by flink-streaming-java_2.12 for Scala 2.12.

In order to build a new version of Flink for a different Scala version, please refer to the Flink documentation.

Setting up your IDE

Connector project uses Project Lombok, so we should ensure that we have our IDE setup with the required plugins. (IntelliJ is recommended).

To import the source into IntelliJ:

  1. Import the project directory into IntelliJ IDE. It will automatically detect the gradle project and import things correctly.
  2. Enable Annotation Processing by going to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler > Annotation Processors and checking Enable annotation processing.
  3. Install the Lombok Plugin. This can be found in Preferences -> Plugins. Restart your IDE.
  4. Connectors project compiles properly after applying the above steps.

For eclipse, we can generate eclipse project files by running ./gradlew eclipse.


The latest releases can be found on the Github Release project page.


Don’t hesitate to ask! Contact the developers and community on the Slack if you need any help. Open an issue if you found a bug on Github Issues.


Follow the Pravega Samples repository to learn more about how to build and use the Flink Connector library.