Class |
Description |
AbstractNotifier<T extends Notification> |
AbstractNotifier which is used by all types of Notifiers.
AbstractPollingNotifier<T extends Notification> |
BadKeyVersionException |
Exception that is thrown whenever a conditional KeyValueTable update failed due to the provided key version
BatchClientFactory |
Please note this is an experimental API.
ByteStreamClientFactory |
Used to create Writers and Readers operating on a Byte Stream.
ByteStreamReader |
Allows for reading raw bytes from a segment.
ByteStreamWriter |
Allows for writing raw bytes directly to a segment.
Checkpoint |
ClientConfig |
This class contains configuration that is passed on to Pravega client.
ClientConfig.ClientConfigBuilder |
This class overrides the lombok builder.
ConditionalTableUpdateException |
Exception that is thrown whenever a Conditional Update to a KeyValueTable failed.
ConfigMismatchException |
DelegationTokenProvider |
A client-side proxy for obtaining a delegation token from the server.
DelegationTokenProviderFactory |
DeleteScopeFailedException |
Delete scope failed, typically because we failed to seal and delete the streams.
EmptyTokenProviderImpl |
Provides empty delegation tokens.
EndOfDataNotification |
Class to represent a end of data notification.
EndOfDataNotifier |
EventPointer |
A pointer to an event.
EventRead<T> |
An event that was read from a stream or a checkpoint marker if one has been requested.
EventStreamClientFactory |
Used to create Writers and Readers operating on a stream.
EventStreamReader<T> |
A reader for a stream.
EventStreamWriter<Type> |
A writer can write events to a stream.
EventWriterConfig |
EventWriterConfig.EventWriterConfigBuilder |
IdempotentEventStreamWriter<Type> |
A writer can write events to a stream.
InitialUpdate<StateT extends Revisioned> |
A constructor for a StateT object.
Insert |
InvalidStreamException |
IteratorItem<T> |
JwtTokenProviderImpl |
Provides JWT-based delegation tokens.
KeyValueTable |
Defines all operations that are supported on a Key-Value Table.
KeyValueTableClientConfiguration |
KeyValueTableClientConfiguration.KeyValueTableClientConfigurationBuilder |
KeyValueTableConfiguration |
The configuration of a Key-Value Table.
KeyValueTableConfiguration.KeyValueTableConfigurationBuilder |
KeyValueTableFactory |
KeyValueTableInfo |
Information about a Key-Value Table.
KeyValueTableIterator |
KeyValueTableIterator.Builder |
KeyValueTableManager |
Used to create, delete and manage Key-Value Tables.
KeyVersion |
Version of a Key in a Table.
Listener<T> |
Listener interface for receiving notifications.
NoSuchKeyException |
Exception that is thrown whenever a conditional KeyValueTable update failed due to the key not existing.
NoSuchScopeException |
Notification |
Represents base notification type.
NotificationSystem |
NotifierFactory |
Factory used to create different types of notifiers.
Observable<T> |
This represents an observable notification.
PingFailedException |
Transaction heartbeat to a controller instance failed, because of one of the following reasons.
Position |
A position in a stream.
Put |
ReaderConfig |
ReaderConfig.ReaderConfigBuilder |
ReaderGroup |
A reader group is a collection of readers that collectively read all the events in the
ReaderGroupConfig |
ReaderGroupConfig.ReaderGroupConfigBuilder |
ReaderGroupConfig.StreamDataRetention |
If a Reader Group wants unconsumed data to be retained in a Stream,
the retentionType in ReaderGroupConfig should be set to
ReaderGroupManager |
Used to create and manage reader groups.
ReaderGroupMetrics |
ReaderGroupNotFoundException |
ReaderGroupNotificationListener |
ReaderGroup notification listener interface.
ReaderNotInReaderGroupException |
Read was invoked on a reader that the reader group does not consider a member.
ReaderSegmentDistribution |
Describes current distribution of number of segments assigned to each reader in the reader group.
ReaderSegmentDistribution.ReaderSegmentDistributionBuilder |
ReinitializationRequiredException |
Remove |
RetentionPolicy |
RetentionPolicy.RetentionPolicyBuilder |
RetentionPolicy.RetentionType |
Revision |
Revisioned |
An object that has a revision associated with it.
RevisionedStreamClient<T> |
Provides a stream that can be read and written to with strong consistency.
ScalingPolicy |
A policy that specifies how the number of segments in a stream should scale over time.
ScalingPolicy.ScaleType |
ScalingPolicy.ScalingPolicyBuilder |
SegmentIterator<T> |
Please note this is an experimental API.
SegmentNotification |
Class to represent a segment notification.
SegmentNotification.SegmentNotificationBuilder |
SegmentNotifier |
SegmentRange |
This is used to represent range bounded portion of a Segment.
Sequence |
A wrapper for two numbers.
Serializer<T> |
Takes events being written and serializes them to byteBuffers so they can be sent over the wire
and deserializes these same byte buffers back into objects.
StateSynchronizer<StateT extends Revisioned> |
Provides a means to have state that is synchronized between many processes.
StateSynchronizer.UpdateGenerator<StateT extends Revisioned> |
A function which given a state object populates a list of updates that should be applied.
StateSynchronizer.UpdateGeneratorFunction<StateT extends Revisioned,ReturnT> |
Stream |
A stream can be thought of as an unbounded sequence of events.
StreamConfiguration |
The configuration of a Stream.
StreamConfiguration.StreamConfigurationBuilder |
StreamCut |
A set of segment/offset pairs for a single stream that represent a consistent position in the
StreamInfo |
This class is used to represent Stream information.
StreamManager |
Used to create, delete, and manage Streams and ReaderGroups.
StreamSegmentsIterator |
StringTokenProviderImpl |
A provider for handling non-JWT, non-empty delegation tokens.
SynchronizerClientFactory |
Used to create StateSynchronizer and RevisionedStreamClient objects which allow for
reading and writing data from a pre-configured stream with strong consistency guarantees.
SynchronizerConfig |
The configuration for a Consistent replicated state synchronizer.
SynchronizerConfig.SynchronizerConfigBuilder |
TableEntry |
TableEntryUpdate |
TableKey |
TableModification |
TimeWindow |
Represents a time window for the events which are currently being read by a reader.
Transaction<Type> |
Provides a mechanism for writing many events atomically.
Transaction.PingStatus |
Transaction.Status |
TransactionalEventStreamWriter<Type> |
A writer that writes Events to an Event stream transactionally.
TransactionInfo |
TransactionInfo holds the information of transaction.
TruncatedDataException |
TruncatedDataException is thrown if the data to be read next has been truncated away and can no longer be read.
TxnFailedException |
A transaction has failed.
Update<StateT extends Revisioned> |
Version |
Version of a Key in a Table.
WatermarkSerializer |