Pravega - Creating Your First Application¶
Learn how to create a Hello World Pravega app. This guide covers:
Starting Pravega standalone.
Creating a Pravega Stream.
Creating an Event Writer and write events into a Pravega Stream.
Create an Event Reader and read events from the Pravega Stream.
1. Prerequisites¶
To complete this guide, you need:
Less than 15 minutes
JDK 11+ installed with JAVA_HOME configured appropriately
Gradle 6.5.1+
Installation :
Note: Verify Gradle is using the Java you expect. You can verify which JDK Gradle uses by running gradle --version
2. Goal¶
In this guide, we will develop a straightforward application that creates a Stream on Pravega and writes an event into the Stream and reads back from it. We recommend that you follow the instructions from Bootstrapping project onwards to create the application step by step. However, you can go straight to the completed example at Pravega-samples-repo.
Command to clone the pravega-samples repo:
$ git clone
The solution is located in the pravega-client-examples directory.
3. Starting Pravega Standalone¶
In standalone mode, the Pravega server is accessible from clients through the localhost
interface only. Controller REST APIs, however, are accessible from remote hosts/machines.
You can launch a standalone mode server using either of the following options:
- From source code:
Commands to start standalone from source code:
Checkout the source code.
$ git clone
$ cd pravega
$ ./gradlew startStandalone
- From installation package:
Commands to start standalone from installation package:
Download the Pravega release from the [GitHub Releases](
$ tar xfvz pravega-<version>.tgz
$ pravega-<version>/bin/pravega-standalone
Note: In order to remotely troubleshoot Java application, JDWP port is being used. The default JDWP port in Pravega(8050) can be overridden using the below command before starting Pravega in standalone mode. 0 to 65535 are allowed range of port numbers.
$ export JDWP_PORT=8888
4. Bootstrapping the Project¶
The easiest way to bootstrap a sample application against Pravega is to run the following command in a folder of your choice.
$ gradle init --type java-application
implementation group: 'io.pravega', name: 'pravega-client', version: '0.9.0'
gradle run
to run the project.
Expected output:
$ gradle run
> Task :app:run
Hello World!
2 actionable tasks: 2 executed
4.1 Create a Pravega Stream¶
Let's first get to know Pravega's client APIs by creating a stream with a fixed scaling policy of 1 segment. We'll need a StreamConfiguration to define this.
StreamConfiguration streamConfig = StreamConfiguration.builder()
, we can create streams that feel a bit more like traditional append-only files. Streams exist within Scopes, which provide a namespace for related Streams. We use a StreamManager to tell a Pravega cluster controller to create our scope and our streams. Since we are using a standalone Pravega let's use the below controller address.
URI controllerURI = URI.create("tcp://localhost:9090");
try (StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(controllerURI)) {
streamManager.createStream("examples", "helloStream", streamConfig);
and a Pravega Stream called helloStream
4.2 Create a Pravega Event Writer and write events into the stream¶
Let's create a Pravega Event Writer using the EventStreamClientFactory.
try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope("examples",
EventStreamWriter<String> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter("helloStream",
new UTF8StringSerializer(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build())) {
writer.writeEvent("helloRoutingKey", "hello world!"); // write an event.
returns a CompletableFuture
, which can be captured for use or will be resolved when calling flush()
or close()
, and, if destined for the same segment, the futures write in the order writeEvent()
is called.
When instantiating the EventStreamWriter above, we passed in a UTF8StringSerializer instance. Pravega uses a Serializer interface in its writers and readers to simplify the act of writing and reading an object's bytes to and from Streams. The JavaSerializer can handle any Serializable
4.3 Create a Pravega Event Reader and read the event back from the stream¶
Readers are associated with Reader Groups, which track the Readers' progress and allow more than one Reader to coordinate over which segments they'll read. A ReaderGroupManager is used to create a new reader group on the Pravega Stream.
The below snippet creates a ReaderGroup.
try (ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope("examples", controllerURI)) {
ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder()
.stream(Stream.of("examples", "helloStream"))
readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup("readerGroup", readerGroupConfig);
. The below snippet creates an EventReader called reader
and reads the value from the Pravega Stream.
try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope("examples",
EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader("reader",
new UTF8StringSerializer(),
ReaderConfig.builder().build())) {
String event = reader.readNextEvent(5000).getEvent();
5. What's next?¶
This guide covered the creation of a application that writes and reads from Pravega. However, there is much more. We recommend continuing the journey by going through Pravega-client-101 and other samples present in the Pravega Samples repo.